Notes by infeeeee

About Revit, ifc and other things

Openmediavault 5 install notes

Steps I had to do manually again during install.


On ssh pubkey auth install if I get the error in log:

bad ownership or modes for directory

Source: ssh with public key - bad ownership or modes for directory - Seite 2 - SSH - openmediavault


Hdd safe temps:

Informal: 45



Documentation is here: Plugin - Guides - openmediavault

Download plugin as deb from here:


Virt-manager from remote

To access libvirt from a remote machine from virtmanager

sudo apt install netcat-openbsd  

Bridged network

This part is a work in progress, I still didn’t find a best solution.

OMV5 uses To create a bridge with netplan:

cd /etc/netplan
sudo nano 30-bridge.yaml

Obviously, use a bigger number than 30 if there are more files in this directory. The contents of the file:

      interfaces: [enp0s25]
      dhcp4: true
      dhcp6: no

For the interface use the name of the ethernet interface.

If this folder is empty you can regenerate networks from omv-firstaid>configure network interfaces

Reboot the server (it should be enough to reload networking, but it always messes up ip addresses, so it’s just easier to simply reboot)

Bridged network should work now


Docker and bridge network

Docker breaks libvirt bridge network:

iptables - Docker breaks libvirt bridge network - Server Fault

My solution is from the question itself, as I never expose vms to the outside world, so they are already behind the router’s firewall. It’s also important to install iptables-persistent and netfilter-persistent. As iptables-persistent saves the current rules during install, it’s recommended to set up the rule first, than install iptables.persistent

sudo iptables -I FORWARD -i br0 -o br0 -j ACCEPT
sudo apt install iptables-persistent netfilter-persistent

Saving the iptables after installation: (Piping doesn’t work with sudo)

sudo su
iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4