Notes by infeeeee

About Revit, ifc and other things

Exporting ifc files from Revit

The Revit IFC plugin

The open source ifc plugin developed by Autodesk adds a lot of extra options to the default ifc exporter dialog. If you want to export an ifc files from Revit it’s highly recommended to install this plugin.

There are two versions of this plugin, one is available from the Revit Store, the other is downloadable from Sourceforge. You have to install a separate plugin for every Revit version.

The sourceforge and store version signed differently, so they are not compatible to each other. My experience is that the sourceforge version is somewhat more “stable” than the store version. I mean, the store version can stop working after Revit and other updates. This claim needs more testing.

You can download them from here:

Exporting parameters

Fortunately this is very well documented in the help:

Go to Export Ifc>Modify Setup>Property sets

This note was based on my comment on Revitforum: Link